3D Printing Ceramic

Reading time: 7 min
Stampa 3D ceramica

3D Printing Ceramic: fantastic 3D-printed objects

The technological evolution of printers applied to the ceramics sector is continuous. In fact, for more than ten years, the business has not seemed destined to diminish. Numerous companies and professionals are now adopting this new printing methodology to produce 3D prototypes with ceramic material.

When we think of ceramic material, one of the first things that comes to mind is handcrafting ceramic vases or plates. We often overlook that this material’s composition lends itself to use in other fields or industries. For example, we need only think of most insulating components whose structure includes ceramics.


Economic savings is the first factor to be considered in understanding this phenomenon’s evolution. 3D printing in ceramics allows those who use it to save considerably in production costs. Moreover, technological evolution has made this printing technique no longer restricted to producing prototypes in the field of research and development but has extended its boundaries to embrace new sectors such as dentistry, defence and security, aerospace engineering, and the chemical industry. The potential for success of 3D printing applied to ceramics has significant margins for development. Suffice it to say that essential market brands have chosen to make their products compatible with this material.

A large pool of researchers who constantly invest their time in scientific research supports this market development. It is no coincidence that numerous start-ups have decided to deploy their resources to develop the market further.
This printing technique guarantees speed in the printing process. The design, preparation, printing, and post-processing (baking and vitrification) will be part of a production process that takes considerably longer than traditional production.

It is no coincidence that this material has become a favourite in 3D printing over the last few years for several essential reasons worth dwelling on.

Firstly, it is resistant to high temperatures, which makes it suitable for exposure to heat sources. Secondly, from a purely aesthetic point of view, it is more pleasant to the touch than materials such as polymers or plastic. Given this critical information, for all those interested in expanding their business in the printing field applied to ceramic art, it is highly recommended to rely on professionals whose expertise has been consolidated and updated over twenty years. The Coesum company represents the best solution for requesting support in creating 3D prints. Thanks to the presence of a highly qualified team, you will benefit from a printing service that adheres to the highest quality standards.

Choosing to rely on professionals allows you to benefit from a series of advantages guaranteed by 3D printing. Those who intend to use this technology will save time (as well as money) as the prototype is made quickly by adopting the most advanced technological systems that guarantee the satisfaction of every need felt by the customer. In this way, a plurality of prototypes can be printed for the most diverse purposes: dissipation or conductivity tests, waterproofing or sterilisation tests, mechanical resistance tests, wind tunnel tests, and many other functional checks to ensure the validity of the printed prototype.

Applications of 3D printing

One of the main advantages of 3D printing applied to the ceramic sector stems from the heterogeneity of the productions involved in the process. Whereas a few years ago, 3D printing on this material was a practice confined to specific fields of application or sectors (research and development), today, the boundaries have widened to include new fields such as the chemical industry, biomedical and space engineering, defence and security sciences, and dentistry. To fully understand the development of 3D printing in ceramics, it is appropriate to dwell on the reasons behind this spread.

These include ceramics’ higher capacity (compared to metal) for thermal and mechanical resistance, adding thermal and electrical insulation capacity, and allowing for widespread application in various production sectors.

Other important reasons for the widespread use of 3D printing with this material include its high capacity for mechanical stresses, which is why numerous metalworking companies use these materials in their production processes. Another not-insignificant detail is its lightness, which, combined with its strength, is an advantage in the construction of automobiles. In the dental field, and more generally in biomedicine, there is an increase in printing as the material has a very high level of biocompatibility and is, therefore, suitable for use in the food industry.

Another aspect that allows for development in numerous production sectors concerns design. Designers have long since ascertained the possibility of realising rather complex prints, guaranteeing a highly qualitative result thanks to a modelling process that is potentially subject to every imaginable modification and, therefore, functional for elaborating complex geometries. It is for these very reasons that, in a short time, 3D ceramic printing has gone from being marginal to becoming a production technique that characterises (for the better) company production processes.

This technology can be used in many activities, guaranteeing precision, flexibility, speed and relatively low costs (compared to traditional product processing costs).

The operating methodology is of remarkable quality. It allows (thanks to the work of designers) the most complex geometric designs to be brought to life. This is undoubtedly a notable detail that makes printing on this material a technology that stands a notch above other traditional printing methods. This has contributed to creating complex and innovative projects, producing prints reproducing prostheses, technological instruments, and cutting-edge instruments in various fields.
The flexibility factor also allows this technology to gain a foothold in the market, making it the best option to carry out work that can be modified at will without lengthening working times or sacrificing precision.
Another element that drives companies to use this technology is the speed of execution of the work process and the speed with which changes can be made during the work. Thus, this technology guarantees considerable time savings when executing any project. This not only saves time during the production process of a given product but also significantly reduces costs associated with multiple areas of work, such as labour costs.

Why will ceramic 3D printing grow?

Ceramic 3D printing is a phenomenon whose development will continue due to several factors worth reflecting on. First, it is worth noting that among the various reasons entrepreneurs and companies in the sector are modelling their products on this material is savings: the techniques used allow significant savings in production costs. The time factor is also essential; the printing process also unravels quickly, thus ensuring that production targets are met concisely.

From a technical point of view, ceramics are processed using state-of-the-art technology, with hot isostatic pressing or injection moulding, achieving stunning results in terms of product quality.

This printing technique will be increasingly used in various fields to produce goods and services. One example is the dental sector, where 3D printing in ceramics guarantees a reduction in material waste accompanied by a lower risk of errors during the design phase of the prosthesis. In addition, it should be pointed out that technology is moving towards a technical evolution involving optimising processes and printing tools in other sectors. More and more companies are attracted to the possibility of using ceramic 3D printing technology because the material can overcome all the constraints imposed by adopting plastic polymers. Given these production advantages, 3D printing will soon become a reality for many companies.

This explains the motivations that drive numerous international research institutes to invest significant resources in this field in various sectors, including energy and biomedical engineering. Everything points to the further development of 3D printing. This material is proving to be qualitatively compliant with the highest safety and resistance standards and is perfectly compatible with various production sectors.

Summarising the countless advantages offered, more and more companies are requesting the support of companies whose competence and professionalism are essential to fully exploit the potential offered by this printing technology.

For example, the company Fama 3d, thanks to its many years of experience in the 3D printing sector, guarantees a high level of professionalism in providing excellent service that can satisfy the demands of the most demanding customers. The company in question is ISO 9001 certified, which makes it fully competitive and reliable in the 3D printing market. Furthermore, the team is constantly updated and, therefore, highly qualified in the support and realisation of complex projects, which, as such, require specific training. Moreover, the prices for 3D printing are among the most competitive on the market, thus guaranteeing ample savings to all those interested in benefiting from a service dedicated to excellence.


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